Privacy Policy

We know how much your private data is important. We are not caching any kind of personal data of yours. This website contains only the entertainment stuff like Kahaniya, Stories and lines.

You need to know that When you visit our web page we only ask for the push notification which is only regarding the online daily updates.

About the Hindikahanie?

We are containing the most popular and new stories on our website. We like to deliver the things that only entertain you, and a little bit gives you feelings. Like our policy is not to hurt you.
We only give the best and different kind of Stories like Devotional, Moral, interesting, and much more.

From where we collect the data?

We have different-different source the famous one we collect from their accounts and much more. And there are also lots of ways to have the data online. But We will not go to hurt anyone or their privacy data at all.

Purpose to make this kind of content?

Our main purpose is to make this kind of web for you? is to teach you about the things and give you information about them. There are lots of famous personalities who has told lots of Motivational Stories, Things on their social account and much more.

So this is only the source to give you information about them. Wanna know more things about us then here you go:- Complete knowledge about us Hindikahanie